7 Simple Tips to Help You Stay on Track With Your Medication Routine
Staying on track with your medication helps you get rid of your condition faster. These simple tips can help you achieve that.

It's important to stay on track with your medication routine. This not only puts you in control, but also helps you get rid of the condition you’re treating as quickly as possible.
However, it's easy to get off track with your medication routine. You may miss a dose here and there or forget to take your medication altogether. This can be dangerous and even life-threatening.
Missing a dose can be because you forgot to take the drugs at the right time or didn't have your medication with you when needed. Whatever your reason, following the simple tips in this article will help you stay on track with your medication routine and get back on top of things quickly.

But first, why do you have to take your medications as prescribed or instructed?
- Drug efficacy: Taking your medications as prescribed or instructed ensures that you get the most benefit from them. Making sure that the drugs work the way they ought to.
- Ensures compliance: Following the instructions of your care specialist ensures that you remain compliant with your treatment regimen, which is essential for maintaining your health.
- Reduces risk: You might be at risk of serious harm or even death if you do not take all your medications as prescribed. Additionally, staying on track can help you prevent medication errors, which can lead to serious health consequences.
- Helps you keep track: If you take your medication as prescribed, your health care provider will keep track of your progress and look out for side effects. But if you don’t follow the instructions, you could end up disrupting the drug’s effectiveness.
However, it can be difficult to keep up with your medication routine, especially if you have a lot of medications to take. These seven tips can help you stay on track:

1. Set up a daily reminder
Setting up a daily reminder is a great way to avoid forgetting your medication. You can use a phone app, a calendar reminder, or even a post-it note. This will help you remember to take your medication at the right time daily.
2. Keep your medications in one place
A good way to avoid forgetting your medication is to keep them all in one place. You can use a pill box, a medicine cabinet, or even a drawer in your night stand.
Also, ensure you can easily access the drugs in case of emergencies.
3. Write down when you take your medication
Keeping a written record of when you take your medication can also help you stay on track. This way, you can look back and see if you've missed any doses. You can also use this record to track how well your medication is working.
4. Take your medications along with your daily routine
If you take your medication at the same time each day as part of your regular routine, you're less likely to forget it. For instance, you can take your medication after you brush your teeth in the morning. Or, before going to bed at night. Taking your medication at the same time each day will help you create a habit and make it more likely that you'll remember to take it.

5. Use a pill minder
A pill minder is a device that can help you keep track of your medication. It's a small box with compartments for each day of the week. You can put your medications in the appropriate compartment for the day and time that you need to take them.
6. Set an alarm
Setting an alarm on your phone or other devices will help you remember to take your medication. This way, you'll be reminded to take your medicine even if you're not near your usual reminder.
7. Fill your prescriptions at the same pharmacy
To ensure that your medications are readily available, always use a pharmacist that’s familiar with your medications. This will not only help you stay on course, but also ensure you don’t have to struggle to get your drugs when you need them.
Final Thoughts
When you first start a medication, it can be hard to keep track since you’ll have to introduce it into your normal schedule.
However, if you happen to skip a dose, do not stop taking your medication without consulting your care specialist. Because it’s never advisable to double up on doses to make up for missed ones.
Do you have questions about your medications? You can sign up for FREE consultation with a care specialist on Famasi to get all the answers you need.